Everything in town disappeared today. I guess all I can do is hope that it’s somehow going to be okay.
Before we left Question Mark, I rode my bicycle around town once more before it disappeared, or this version of it disappeared completely. I realized how much I loved this town– not because of the monuments, or the Question Mark woods, or the Falls–but because of all the incredible people I’ve met over the last year and how they worked together to save this town again and again. Whatever happens in the future, it gives me hope to know that people– even people on the internet whom I don’t actually know–can find a way to come together to solve the most difficult, unbelievable problems.
When I got back from my bicycle ride, Nanako was waiting on my porch. We hugged each other and then she handed me a box and told me to open it whenever I got to where I was going.
This evening when my dad and I got to the motel in Columbus, I sat on the bed and waited a moment, thinking of everything that had happened over the last year. I had no idea what was inside and I did my best to try to appreciate that unusual feeling. When I opened the box, I found something magical. I realized the future, and all its uncertainty, can be extraordinarily beautiful. My dad came over and asked what was in the box and I showed him the game Nanako had made and then the two of us began to play.
I thought maybe other people in town would like to play it, too. You can download it here.
Thank you for your kindness, curiosity, joy, and endless imagination. Blf ziv gsv pvb.