The Void we discovered outside Foreverland Pet Refrigeration.
Over the last ten months, I’ve heard odd music coming from strange places in our town. Other people have reported the same thing, even if they are not comfortable admitting it. Sometimes the music seems to be coming from the woods, sometimes it can be heard near the old factories in the Industrial Corridor, sometimes you can hear it coming from the field near New Tomorrow Industries’ gigantic particle accelerator.

The Void we discovered at the Falls.
Yesterday Dr. Harrington-Willey, Theophilus Willey, and I discovered that the old radio station in town was broadcasting a repetitive musical signal at a low frequency, which exactly matched the music I had been hearing.

The Void we discovered at the old well in the woods.
Theophilus Willey was able to decipher the first few notes, which suggested the music was in the key of E minor. Using this key, we followed the many musical signals around town, including out to the Question Mark woods.

The Void we discovered in the Question Mark Motel parking lot.
And there we discovered there are actually seven Voids in different locations around our town: the one I discovered in June near the endless circle, one near the disappearing well, one near the Falls, one in the parking lot of the Question Mark Motel (which is the site of the Ames Rifle tragedy), one beside the House of Dazzling Glass, one near New Tomorrow Industries (where Something Blue Bridal burned down) and one near Foreveland Pet Refrigeration which, due to some time-related disaster, never even opened.

The Void we discovered across from the House of Dazzling Glass.
I look at the warning Tanner Pratt left us in his presentation right before he disappeared or I glance back at the evidence gathered by former FBI Agent Oberman and realize this danger was here all along and now I am afraid nothing in this town will ever be the same again.

The Void we discovered at the New Tomorrow Industries accelerator site.